Part 1 : Link Telegram account to
1. Download Telegram via link below
2. Once you have signed in click on the link to connect directly to the Firehawk_Bot
3. Click the /start button at the bottom of the chat window to start the configuration process.
The Bot will ask you for your username and password for the Dashboard
If you are unsure what your account details are, submit a ticket under IT support by clicking help below
4. insert your Dashboard Username
5. Type your Dashboard Password
If account details are correct, you will get a message stating that your user has connected to telegram successfully.
Part 2: Drawing your RedZone
1. Navigate to the Firehawk Dashboard
2. Click on the Mapping tab
3. Click on RedZone Configuration
You will be directed to a page that looks like the one below. If the inputs on the right do not look similar to the image then the sync with the Bot did not complete correctly. You can go back to the bot in telegram and type /start to redo the process.
4. Using the controls in the top right you can draw a number of areas that you would like notifications for. See the image below:
5. Below is an example of an area that has been drawn. If you are happy with it then hit the save red zone option on the top right. You will see a message stating that the red-zone has been saved successfully.
Note: You can draw multiple areas if you would like, by moving around and drawing more.
NB: Please note that the Firehawk Policy is that any fire in a Member RedZone will the reacted to in the following manner:
- If the FDI is Blue or Green, you will only receive a message
- If the FDI is Yellow, Orange or Red you will receive a Phone Call about the fire.